Sock Monkey school……

School is indeed back in session, and I could not be happier.

We are back to ‘normal” around here.

There is actually a time to go to bed at night and a scheduled time to “rise and shine”.

Routine feels good.

I found out Wednesday, even Sock Monkeys have school days.

and who knew, mine even has a few “friends” Β  πŸ™‚

Remember, fall projects giveaway deadline is fast approaching.

I will draw at the end of the day Labor Day……..

Let me know what YOU have planned…

8 Responses to “Sock Monkey school……”



  2. machita Says:

    little smarty pants πŸ™‚

  3. Aunt Tippy Says:

    My fall project is to re-fill my freezer with freezer meals so I can enjoy every awesome day that fall has to offer. πŸ™‚

  4. BLT Says:

    I have TWO:

    I have a serious pile of genealogical documents that need organizing. I’m the first in the family to go digging for ancestors so it’s a huge HUGE project. My mom didn’t even know where Dad’s ancestors were buried.

    My other project is to package together some frozen entrees for Mom as it’s very difficult for her to get out or to spend much time in the kitchen. I’ll cook/freeze them so all she’ll need to do is heat them. I’ve wanted to do it all summer but it’s just been too hot to heat the oven. Now that we have 70 degree weather, I can finally begin! I hate store-bought frozen meals because they’re mostly pasta filled (50% or more)–and pasta just isn’t healthy or nutritious–it’s a cheap filler. So begins the trip around the world: Mexican, Italian, Indian, Iranian, Turkish, Chinese!

    • simplyaltered Says:

      I have only eaten TWO of all the cuisines you listed!!! I know, I lead a very sheltered life. πŸ™‚ good for you though to be such big help with your mother. I bet she REALLY appreciates it!!

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